26 ago 2011


In 1926 Nicola Tesla gave an interview to Collier´s Weekly in which he predicted something that sounds remarkably like portable television. Perhaps most interestingly, he mentions that this technology would be used to watch war unfold, "just as though we were present." Paleofuture.

Enero 26, 1926
Nevada State Journal.

1 ago 2011

At any given moment, Fall 1 (2009) dir. Rebeca Méndez

Never happened again, Karahnjukar (2010) dir. Rebeca Méndez

Nothing further happens (2011) dir. Rebeca Méndez
duración 9 m fragmento que aquí se muestra 3 m 55 s loop continuo
video monocanal filmado en 16mm
sonido Ben Frost

actualmente se exhiben en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca
julio 15 a octubre 3, 2011.
curaduría Jorge Contreras, director del MACO.

traducción Gabriel Elías